Experts are increasingly detecting women who reject hormonal contraceptives out of fear of alleged side effects. Misinformation on social media reinforces the notion that hormones are not natural and, in fact, harmful. This new phobia is also present among women who, during menopause, refuse hormone replacement therapy.
The day a patient of Isabel Silva told her that she didn't want to take the contraceptive pill “because she was afraid that, by taking it, she would like 'less manly men'”, this gynecologist knew it was time to do something. “When I asked her what she meant by 'less manly men', she said she didn't know, but that she had heard it on TikTok...”, she recalls. It wasn't the first time that, in her practice, this social network was used as a source of information to reject hormonal contraception: such misinformation is becoming increasingly common on social media.
Endocrinologists point out that this rejection of hormonal contraceptives is framed within the search for 'naturalness', as if hormones were not natural
This specialist explains how, through the internet, a discourse of fear and distrust has been built around hormonal contraceptives. This discourse has resonated among younger women, who seek information through social media. From the fear of “less manly men” to the appearance of body hair, weight gain, loss of libido, or the fear of infertility, misinformation about hormonal contraception spreads freely.
“We live in a world where influencers have a lot of power and little information, and indeed, people without any kind of training make all kinds of assertions. It is a phenomenon that we have been observing among our colleagues,” notes the doctor, who works in the Sexual and Reproductive Health Unit in Villena, Alicante. Silva is also the vice president of the Spanish Contraception Society, which organized its annual congress last March. It was the seventeenth one, but the first to have a session dedicated to 'Hormonophobia': the fear of hormones. A phenomenon that, as the speakers concluded, is on the rise.
Influencers have a lot of power and little information. People without any kind of education make all kinds of assertions
“There are many influencers without qualifications, giving false information, offering profitable courses or products. The scientific societies are the target,” said Dr. Marian Obiol Saiz, a speaker on the panel. According to another participant, Dr. María Ángeles Gómez Martínez: “It's easier to scare than to remove the fear; the internet can be a cause of much misinformation. This rejection of hormonal contraceptives is part of the concept of 'salutism', coined by R. Crawford, which refers to the pursuit of 'naturalness'.”
And the idea that hormones are “not natural” accompanies these false myths circulating on the internet. Misinformation that, experts warn, represents an obstacle to effective and safe contraception. In order to avoid using contraceptives such as the pill, the patch, or the hormonal ring, Dr. Silva says, “Some resort to things that make no sense. Remedies that, they tell us, they saw on some social network... And then they end up pregnant and don't want that pregnancy. That is a personal drama and a failure for us.”
Gynecologists and endocrinologists are asking that, for such important matters as sexual and reproductive health, young people consult trained professionals, not the internet
Other young women turn to methods such as the copper IUD (intrauterine device), which not all can use at these ages. Others, Silva adds, use condoms: “Which, when used properly, is very effective, but we always talk about double protection, which is a shared responsibility.” Whatever the case, before using a hormonal contraceptive like the pill. This rejection, Silva adds, also has social repercussions: “Because the contraceptive pill, by separating sexuality from reproduction, was extremely important for women's equality: a milestone in the history of medicine and health.”
In such an important matter as sexual and reproductive health, this specialist insists that: “It is essential to get well informed, by going to specific units or to your gynecologist.” Her appeal makes sense, considering that, according to data from the Spanish Contraception Society, 44.7% of young women do not visit a healthcare professional for these types of consultations.
With good information, adds Dr. Silva, not only are those myths that are currently associated with the pill and hormones in general debunked, but information about their beneficial effects (“which are many”) is also provided, starting with the significant fact that it prevents unwanted pregnancy. In the face of doubts, she insists: “You should always seek information from a professional source, not a friend who will give you information from a social network. Perhaps we are a bit to blame for not being more present on social media, but it's just that we can't keep up,” reflects the gynecologist.
But these myths not only exist among the younger ones: misinformation also occurs during the menopause stage, where hormones (or rather, their sharp drop) play a leading role. Menopause is a biological process in which the ovary stops releasing eggs and a lower amount of estrogen and progesterone is produced, leading to various consequences: from classic hot flashes to insomnia, through memory loss and even depression.
Fear of hormones
The enthusiasm for 'natural' approaches also appears in menopause, with many women rejecting hormone therapy
Although menopause impacts the quality of life of millions of women, the option of hormone replacement therapy raises many concerns. In line with this, the internet is abuzz with influencers advising to seek 'natural' solutions to alleviate symptoms of something that they insist is 'natural'. The message is to buy a fan and endure before (heaven forbid!) ingesting hormones to offset its drastic loss.
“Hormonophobia may not be detected as much in the menopause setting, but it also emerges,” explains Dr. Clotilde Vázquez Martínez, director of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service at the Jiménez Díaz Foundation in Madrid. This specialist has also heard the phrase in her consultations: “I don't want anything that is not natural,” which she attributes to the boom of this 'naturalistic' trend, which is almost like a religion, linked to natural childbirth without epidural, with pain, believing that there will be more attachment if a woman suffers during childbirth, and that I find hard to understand, truly, because you see women shattered."

In recent years, professionals have been observing a 'naturalistic' trend that rejects any type of hormonal treatment for menstrual pain and menopausal symptoms
This fervor for 'the natural,' she explains, is also present in menopause, where, in addition, hormone replacement therapy has had a very bad reputation, as it was associated with breast cancer by some (“very poorly done,” says Vázquez), but highly publicized studies. All this generated a great deal of distrust that, the doctor explains, persists in Spain: unlike other European countries, here the percentage of women who resort to hormone replacement therapy does not even reach 20%.
Therefore, when in 2021 Vázquez published his popular science book With Hormones and Wildly (Vergara), he dedicated many pages to counteracting this mistrust: “Which, he explains, is due to there being a lot of misinformation and two biased studies that have done a lot of harm. But I have read the fine print of all these studies and I assure you that hormone therapy neither prevents nor increases the risk of breast cancer.” In fact, he points out: “After the age of 50, women primarily die from heart attacks: and that risk does increase significantly due to the estrogen deficit that occurs in menopause.”
Treatment with a bad reputation
In Spain, the percentage of women who resort to hormone replacement therapy for menopause does not reach 20%.
What is neither natural nor healthy, according to this specialist, is to stop producing these key hormones so quickly. “Because beyond the acute discomforts that menopause causes you, what actually happens is that in the long term it conditions the rest of your life, which today has almost doubled.” Vázquez always explains in consultation that the ovary has a life span “between 13-15 and 50 years”; a period that, until not long ago, was the life expectancy of a woman. “So the problem used to be excessive fertility, but now it turns out that there are many years in which a woman will live with an organ that, since it no longer needs to procreate, no longer synthesizes those hormones.” In short, there is a mismatch between biology and vital needs.
And she says that estrogen is essential to fill this gap and provide a good quality of life: “Women have estrogen receptors throughout the body. If we only had them in the breasts and ovaries, I would say, 'since you don't need to procreate anymore, you don't need more,' but the fact is that we have estrogen receptors in the brain, blood vessels, bones, skin, hair, collagen, eyes, liver, heart... throughout the body!”
Losing estrogen has systemic repercussions: emotional, lack of concentration, memory loss, at a vascular level...
Therefore, the endocrinologist says: “Being without this hormone has systemic repercussions of all kinds: emotionally, in the brain —lack of concentration, memory loss, are symptoms that many women mention during this period—, at a vascular level...”. “The natural thing -she summarizes- is to continue having estrogen. Of course, not in the quantities needed to ovulate, but enough to keep the tissues in which that hormone plays a role healthy.”
“We are walking hormones,” adds Dr. Silva. “People don't realize it, but that's how it is: we have insulin that regulates glucose, we have a thyroid hormone that regulates our thyroid, and when someone has a thyroid hormone deficiency, no one questions giving a hormone to regulate it. However, when we have a deficiency, as in menopause, some people question compensating for it... What needs to be considered is that with hormonal treatment, whether for contraception or for menopause, we, as professionals, are regulating it.”
When someone has a deficiency in thyroid hormone, nobody questions giving a hormone to regulate it. However, when we have a hormonal deficiency in menopause, some people question whether to compensate for it…
In the field of menopause, another ubiquitous message on social media is that it can be managed by changing lifestyle: intense exercise, diet, and vitamin supplements before resorting to hormone replacement therapy. Dr. Vázquez recognizes this trend, but is very clear that “it's the other way around: hormonal treatment must be accompanied by a lifestyle change. It would be - for example - like saying: ‘I have diabetes’ and being told: ‘What you have to do is not eat or eat very little and spend all day exercising, but don't use insulin’… It doesn't make sense!”.
Clotilde Vázquez reiterates that: “We are hormone beings,” and as long as we are alive, we have to have hormones. “For this reason, when an organ ends its function prematurely, as in the case of the ovary, it is not unnatural to replace this function, quite the opposite.” She gives the example of presbyopia: “Which is also something 'natural,' but if you don't wear glasses, then life becomes complicated for you...”. Just as cataracts and many phenomena that occur over time are also “natural”: “But if you don't take care of them, with the number of years we have left to live, your quality of life is greatly diminished,” Vázquez points out. The endocrinologist concludes that what is natural is to live in health, and to live in health we need hormones. Anything that is not health is unnatural.