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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Once again the lie of conservatism as it is preach3ed and practiced in this nation is on glaring display when the hypocrite PR hacks scream and cry for eight years every time Obamas went on vacation of President Obama played golf but Trump can take weekends off at his Mar a Lago resort at $3 million a trip and play golf all the time and that is just perfectly OK because Trump won.

    Which just proves again that so called conservatives could give a shit less about government waste and unnecessary expenses just so long as a Republican is doing it.
    1. shootersa
      Just so long as Clinton ISN'T doing it.
      shootersa, Mar 7, 2017
  2. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    Well Trump better pick up the pace if he wants to out golf Obama while in office. Has Trump started flying to Hawaii every other week with his family to golf at the "taxpayer expense" like Obama did????

    What Trump needs to do is plan a $200 million dollar vacation to Africa with his family like Obama did. At taxpayers expense of course.

    Seems you were so concerned the last 8 years, it left you speechless......
    1. xxxaddict76
      @cs matureboy. Nope. Trump just goes to Florida every weekend. Dipshit did say he would not leave the White House and would work for the forgotten man 24/7.
      xxxaddict76, Mar 7, 2017
    2. xxxaddict76
      xxxaddict76, Mar 7, 2017
    3. ace's n 8's
      NO, Trump said ''no vacations in the future''
      ace's n 8's, Mar 7, 2017
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Trump’s first month of travel expenses cost taxpayers just less than what Obama spent in a year

    1. shootersa
      Trump's sons are taking trips to promote their business.
      Trump no longer owns them and gets no income from them.

      But you already knew that.
      shootersa, Mar 7, 2017
  4. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Trump’s first month of travel expenses cost taxpayers just less than what Obama spent in a year

    • Like Like x 2
  5. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    No one believes the fake bullshit you post.... The next credible post you make will be your first....
  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    And another Trump scandal needs investigation.

    Donald Trump’s Worst Deal
    The President helped build a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation engineered by oligarchs tied to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

  7. xxxaddict76

    xxxaddict76 Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 3, 2014
    So the new Trumpcare plan will ration health insurance for the poor, charge more to the elderly and poor, increase rates by 30% if you ever have a lapse in coverage on any plan, and give a tax credit from $2,000 to $14,000 (depending on income).

    Good luck with that. When Republicans find a way to destroy their party they go all in.

    GOP's Obamacare replacement plan: Here's how it will affect you https://a.msn.com/r/2/AAnV3jH?m=en-us&ocid=News
    • Like Like x 1
  8. xxxaddict76

    xxxaddict76 Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 3, 2014
    Funny thing is no mention how to bring down cost of health insurance. Premiums were going up before, during, and likely after ACA. Middle class and poor getting fucked again.

    I am still trying to understand how tax credits will help alleviate the cost of health insurance, especially those who get private health insurance.

    The same goes with a Health Savings Account. If you are on a fixed income like I know my Republican friends on here are, how in the fuck do you put extra money into the Health Savings Account? Do you put your tax credit toward the Health Savings Account or toward the health insurance cost?
  9. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Typical leftist lying bullshit from a foolish coward.

    The numbers are fraudulent, I'm certain you over looked the words;

    Actually the numbers were based upon one of Obama's trips to Mar a lago....
  10. xxxaddict76

    xxxaddict76 Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 3, 2014
    Why does President Dipshit keep lying? I am wondering if he is even writing his own tweets.

    Trump said that "122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!" However, more more than 90% of those detainees were released during the George W. Bush administration, not that of Obama.

    A report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said that of the 122 Gitmo detainees who returned to the battlefield, only nine of them were released after Obama took office in January 2009.

    Trump hits Obama (falsely) over Gitmo https://a.msn.com/r/2/AAnYuxE?m=en-us&ocid=News

    According to a report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 113 of the 122 former detainees who returned to fight the United States were released by Bush. The report, published in July 2016, showed that the other nine were released by Obama, who released 161 prisoners in total.

    • Like Like x 1
  11. xxxaddict76

    xxxaddict76 Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 3, 2014
    Trumpcare only reduces taxes on the rich which now puts the burden on the middle class. Funny how Republicans are trying to rush this through before the Congressional Budget Office review. Article below explains it all.

    The GOP health bill doesn’t know what problem it’s trying to solve

    After seven years of drafting a replacement plan, we get … this?

    Little in politics shocks me. The process House Republicans want to use for their health care bill does. After literally years of complaining Obamacare was jammed down the American people’s throats with insufficient information or consideration, the GOP intends to hold committee votes on their bill two days after releasing it, and without a Congressional Budget Office report estimating either coverage or fiscal effects. It’s breathtaking.

    If Republicans believed the American people — or even their own legislators — would like the results of a thorough estimate of their proposal’s effects, they would have waited for one. We’ll get a CBO report anyway, of course. My guess is it will say this: The GOP plan will lead to significant declines in coverage (Loren Adler estimates an eye-popping 15 to 20 million people will lose insurance) as well as accelerating the exhaustion of the Medicare trust fund due to the tax cuts. After years of Republicans complaining that co-pays and deductibles were too high in Obamacare, co-pays and deductibles will be significantly higher under their replacement. The plan will significantly reduce taxes on the rich.
    I honestly have no idea what it will do to the deficit — it’s hard to see any short-term reduction, and if there’s a long-term reduction, it will only be due to deep, deep Medicaid cuts, which will mean a correspondingly large increase in the uninsured. It’s worth noting that the GOP’s main idea for reducing health care costs — ending or capping the tax break for employer-provided insurance — has been left out of this legislation. There is simply no theory of cost control in this bill at all.

    Adverse selection seems like a huge problem in this plan. The individual mandate is gone, healthy people can buy coverage at any time with only a 30 percent penalty, and eliminating actuarial values makes it simpler for insurers to pull the young and healthy away from older and sick. Death spirals seem very likely in weak markets. Republicans will fully own those death spirals.

    The plan is strikingly regressive compared to the Affordable Care Act. Cynthia Cox estimates that a 40-year-old making 160 percent of the poverty line would get $4,143 in subsidies under the ACA, but only $3,000 under the GOP plan. By contrast, a 40-year-old making $75,000 would get nothing under the ACA, but $3,000 under the GOP plan.

    Hypocrisy is a minor sin in politics, but still, it is remarkable how much of it there is to be found in this legislation. A core Republican complaint when Obamacare was passed was that the law delayed many of its provisions in order to reduce public outcry and manipulate the CBO’s score. The GOP bill is similarly aggressive with such tricks, delaying changes to the Medicaid expansion until 2020 and pushing Obamacare’s tax on expensive insurance plans out until 2025.

    “In general,” writes Peter Suderman, “it's not clear what problems this particular bill would actually solve.” This is a profound point. It is difficult to say what question, or set of questions, would lead to this bill as an answer. Were voters clamoring for a bill that cut taxes on the rich, raised premiums on the old, and cut subsidies for the poor? Will Americans be happy when 15 million people lose their health insurance and many of those remaining face higher deductibles?

    Nor are movement conservatives pleased with this plan, which leaves the basic architecture of Obamacare intact, and doesn’t begin to phase out the Medicaid expansion until 2020 (raising the question of whether it will ever phase out at all). "It's subsidies for unaffordable health care, subsidies for unaffordable premiums,” said Rep. Jim Jordan of the House Freedom Caucus. Rep. Jordan Amash called it "Obamacare 2.0."

    To give Amash some credit, this is much more Obamacare 2.0 than I expected from the GOP. The structure and generosity of the subsidies change, but Medicaid is left alone until 2020, and the odds it changes after that are open to debate. On the regulatory side, many of Obamacare’s key protections, from essential benefits to lifetime limits to protections for preexisting conditions, remain in place. On the tax side, the Cadillac tax, to my surprise, survives, in theory at least.

    All this speaks to the Republican Party’s fundamental difficulty on health care, which Suderman captures well: “The GOP's real problem, in terms of passing legislation, isn't that the party can't agree on specifics, or that legislators need to bargain their way toward a compromise that gives everyone something they want. It's that they don't agree on, or in some cases even have, basic goals when it comes to health policy.”

    Because Republicans aren’t even trying to win Democratic votes, they’re stuck designing a bill that can wiggle through the budget reconciliation process (another thing they complained about Democrats doing). That means they can’t make major changes to insurance markets like repealing Obamacare’s essential benefit standards or allowing insurance to be sold across state lines. That last part is particularly striking, given that it was one of President Trump’s five demands in his speech last week. I’ve always been skeptical about the savings Republicans could wrest by changing those regulations, but now they can’t get those savings at all — which means sacrificing a key part of their theory of cost control.

    This bill has a lot of problems, and more will come clear as experts study its language, the Congressional Budget Office release its estimates, and industry players make themselves heard. But the biggest problem this bill has is that it’s not clear why it exists. What does it make better? What is it even trying to achieve? Democrats wanted to cover more people and reduce long-term costs, and they had an argument for how their bill did both. As far as I can tell, Republicans have neither. At best, you can say this bill makes every obvious health care metric a bit worse, but at least it cuts taxes on rich people? Is that really a winning argument in American politics?

    In reality, what I think we’re seeing here is Republicans trying desperately to come up with something that would allow them to repeal and replace Obamacare. This is a compromise of a compromise of a compromise aimed at fulfilling that promise. But “repeal and replace” is a political slogan, not a policy goal. This is a lot of political pain to endure for a bill that won’t improve many peoples’ lives, but will badly hurt millions.

    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
  12. xxxaddict76

    xxxaddict76 Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 3, 2014
    Obamacare vs. Trumpcare:


  13. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Prepare for the firestorm over Trump care. Its no secret that not many people care about what happens to the poor. But the baby boomers not only care what happens to them they vote as a block. And Trumpcare is going to hurt them almost much as the poor and they are not going to stand for it.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. RandyKnight
      LoL....when there is a firestorm over ketchup on steak
      I expect there will be a firestorm over what set of clubs he uses on a golf course.....

      Firestorm is just a given.....on anything...

      so what else is new?
      RandyKnight, Mar 7, 2017
      shootersa likes this.
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

  15. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    1. xxxaddict76
      @RandyKnight. Trump supports the bill. It is now Trumpcare.
      xxxaddict76, Mar 8, 2017
    2. shootersa
      And the good news is, we'll have the opportunity to know what's in it before it's passed!
      Shooter thinks unsupporters ought to at least read it before they denounce it.
      Not cut and paste some pundit's views, but actually read the damn thing and then denounce it.
      Reading it will be good exercise for their brains.
      shootersa, Mar 8, 2017
    3. xxxaddict76
      @shootersa. You already know what is in Trimpcare. Read the 1932 pages of the ACA kept by the Republicans.
      xxxaddict76, Mar 8, 2017
    4. shootersa
      Might be a surprise to the dick head, but in fact Shooter has read just about every page of Obama care AND over 20,000 pages of regulations pumped out in support of it. That's right. 20,000 pages of regulations for a law that runs 2,000 pages.

      Shooter has not read the new law. Hasn't had time. Also, he hasn't denounced it, contrary to what some Trump unsupporters have done (you know, denouncing it before they even know what's in it).
      You see, Shooter has been helping employers comply with a law that, by all accounts, will not exist in a year. And Shooter is laughing all the way to the bank.
      shootersa, Mar 8, 2017
    5. xxxaddict76
      xxxaddict76, Mar 8, 2017
  16. M4MPetCock

    M4MPetCock Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 15, 2012
    Maybe they made the mistake of relying on a company like Price Waterhouse.

    Garant Holding – High-Profile Projects Boost Company Success


    In a recent interview with The Business Year magazine, Anar Mammadov, president and Chairman of the Board of Garant Holdings stated that 2013 was one of the most productive and successful years in the company’s eight-year history. Along with rebranding the company from ZQAN Holding to Garant Holding, Anar Mammadov cited the completion of two high-profile construction projects, the Trump Tower Baku and the Rixos Hotel in Guba as reasons for the boost in the company’s success.

    The first project was The Trump Tower in Baku, an ultra-modern, 33-floor skyscraper that rises 130 meters (426.51 feet) high and is currently the 5th tallest building in Azerbaijan. Construction of the architecturally futuristic Trump Tower Baku began in 2008 and was completed in 2013, containing offices, residents and modern retail spaces in two semicircular buildings connected at right angles along its length. According to Anar Mammadov, one of the challenges in constructing the Trump Tower Baku was to make sure the architectural style of the building was in alignment with the existing buildings in the city.

    As well as the construction business, Garant Holding manages the activities of 33 companies in the financial, logistics, agriculture, hotel and real estate business sectors. It is the only holding company in Azerbaijan to receive recognition from the prestigious auditing firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers.
    1. RandyKnight
      You posted old info------he ended the deal before he ran for president.....
      it dose not have his name....
      RandyKnight, Mar 8, 2017
    2. M4MPetCock
      I know it's old. The article is from 2014 and is based on info prior to 2013. Stumbelina is talking about how Trump got involved with some corrupt organization and I was saying, if they did, maybe they only did so based on the fact that the "prestigious" Price Waterhouse had given the organization, more or less, a clean bill of health.
      M4MPetCock, Mar 8, 2017
  17. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    ACA=1990 PAGES

    PCA= 58 PAGES....so far.
  18. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Oh fucking shit. I needed a good ol' belly laugh about now. And the utter bullshit that somehow what the GOP came up with is better because it only has about 100 pages when the ACA has close to 2,000 is flat fucking hilarious.

    It takes a real PR hack to try to spin that bullshit. Because yeah sure Trumpcare only has about 100 pages but only because there are thousands of sections that only refer back to the ACA by page numbers. Which not only keeps Trump care from being 3,000 pages long it also makes it nearly impossible to know what's really in their bill because you have to have Trumpcare and the ACA side by side when you read tbe Trumpcare bill..

    Fucking hilarious to see how desperate the PR machine is to be trying to spin bullshit like this.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. shootersa
      Well, but you've read Obamacare, right?
      You've had seven years to read and understand it, right?
      So take your copy of Obamacare, put it next to your copy of Trumpcare, and read the damn thing.
      shootersa, Mar 8, 2017
  19. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    At least it will be read.....before it's passed, fool.

    Along with not being altered under an Executive Order, which is ILLEGAL, and UNCONSTITUTIONAL on all fronts.

    • Like Like x 2
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Ok now this is almost as hilarious at what the PR hacks are trying to spin.

    Bolling, McCain: GOP's 'ObamaCare 2.0' Is Dead on Arrival With Conservatives

    And by all means you can look this one up on Fox News Insider because the tweets and videos I didn't copy are even more hilarious.
    1. shootersa
      So. Your article elevates a Fox talking head (Meghan McCain) to the level of Congressman.
      Haven't you been particularly critical of all things Fox?
      Why the change?
      Oh. Shooter sees. It vilifies Trump.
      Carry on.
      shootersa, Mar 8, 2017