A fountain in the province of Barcelona where the water comes out at 74ºC


The Font del Lleó has mineral-medicinal properties: hyperthermal and with chlorine, sodium, lithium, bromine, and iodine

A fountain in the province of Barcelona where the water comes out at 74ºC

La Font del Lleó at 74 degrees

Narcís Serrat

* The author is part of the La Vanguardia readers community.

There's a popular saying that goes, “Never say 'I will never drink this water'.” It means that no matter how repugnant something may seem to us, we can't claim that we won't do it or that we are free from it happening to us.

However, in the case of the Font del Lleó in Caldes de Montbui (Vallès Oriental), it is best not to drink, quite literally, as the water comes out at 74°C.

Ampliar Font del Lleó.

Font del Lleó

Narcís Serrat

It is a fountain that can be reached by a double-access staircase, bounded on one side by large volutes and on the other by a low wall that usually serves as a bench and is located in front of the water jet that springs from a lion's head.

Ampliar Font del Lleó.

Font del Lleó, thermal water at 74ºC

Narcís Serrat

On both sides of the jet, there are Doric-style columns that perfectly frame the fountain and support a sort of pediment with the coat of arms of the town of Caldes de Montbui. Above, we see a seated lion dominating the whole ensemble. On each side, there are volutes and stone vases arranged. Another detail is that the wrought iron street lamps surrounding the fountain are from the Modernist period.

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Steps and columns of the Font del Lleó

Narcís Serrat

There are other curiosities. The oldest part of the fountain is precisely the lion's head where the water springs. And the first documented construction data dates back to 1581.

In 1822, it would have undergone a significant renovation. And in 1927, it would have been restored by the modernist architect Manuel Raspall. Eusebi Arnau was the sculptor who carved the lion crowning the monument, made with Montjuïc stone, and the Fomento quarry provided the two granite columns that currently flank the water spout.

And finally, an important detail. These waters have mineral-medicinal properties because they are hyperthermal and contain chlorine, sodium, lithium, bromine, and iodine.

Ampliar Font del Lleó.

The jet of water from the Font del Lleó

Narcís Serrat
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