Dogs need a diet based on dry food, even if they are not very enthusiastic about eating the same thing every day. Although that may be the norm, there are equally healthy exceptions. There's no need to search too far, as these are foods we will find in our refrigerator or kitchen cabinets.
The veterinarian lists eggs, carrots, canned sardines, plain yogurt, and bananas in a video posted on her TikTok profile.
In the case of eggs, which she teaches to be boiled, they are a source of proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. "We can give one egg per every ten kilos weekly," this veterinarian explains.
The carrot is baptized as a "healthy snack." If we prepare it boiled, it "improves digestion." If our furry friend eats it raw, it will help clean their teeth. Either way, it "boosts defenses, vision, and skin" of our pet.
Natural beneficial foods
Sardines in a can, banana, natural yogurt, eggs or carrots
Canned sardines are a source of Omega 3 and are beneficial for joints, the immune system, skin health, and hair health. As for natural yogurt, this veterinarian maintains that, as a probiotic, it improves intestinal health, but it must always be "natural and without sugars". Only one tablespoon per five kilograms of weight per day.
In this list of natural foods, banana is also included. "It has a satiating effect. It is rich in potassium and is a good gastric protector," concludes this specialist.